Civil War Memorial

Most memo­rials express the harsh­ness, sad­ness and dark­ness of the events. The Sant Jor­di Des­valls Civil War Memo­rial wants to pay tri­bu­te to tho­se who suf­fe­red in it, but reflec­ting the posi­ti­ve aspects that tho­se who pas­sed away left for the village.



Most memo­rials express the harsh­ness, sad­ness and dark­ness of the events. The Sant Jor­di Des­valls Civil War Memo­rial wants to pay tri­bu­te to tho­se who suf­fe­red in it, but reflec­ting the posi­ti­ve aspects that tho­se who pas­sed away left for the village.

The mural con­sists of simu­la­ted trian­gle tiles (the tra­di­tio­nal local car­ta­bó tiles) from whom the upper half is mis­sing. The empty spa­ce repre­sents tho­se who disap­pea­red during the war. In the­se empty spa­ces the­re is a per­pen­di­cu­lar colour methacry­la­te, almost unno­ti­cea­ble from a fron­tal view. When sun­beams come into play, light gets fil­te­red and pro­jects colour into the tiles, repre­sen­ting the memory of tho­se  who fell.

Every sin­gle day and hour gene­ra­tes a dif­fe­rent appea­ran­ce due to the spe­ci­fic angle of the sun. At night­ti­me, light comes from a fixed light point, offe­ring a more con­tro­lled effect.

The com­po­si­tion has the colours of the pop­pies that blos­som in the fields of Sant Jor­di Des­valls during Spring, as a sym­bol of resi­lien­ce after a cold winter.

To avoid any dama­ge on the his­to­ri­cal wall, the work is han­ged with the ven­ti­la­ted faca­de sys­tem. The mural is trap­ped in the narrow streets of the Old Town, ren­de­ring it impos­si­ble to see it in full from almost no pos­si­ble spot. This for­ces the vie­wer to move to fully appre­cia­te the work.